Halloween is by far one of the days of the year that it is completely impossible to avoid candy. Everywhere you look in homes and grocery stores, there are piles and piles of sweet, tasty candy. We all know that too much sugar is bad for both your teeth and your overall health, but we do understand that many may want to indulge just on this particular day and truthfully, having candy every now and then is not going to do too much harm. However, follow these tips to help stay away from tooth decay or cavities:
- Set a limit: Don’t have your child’s entire pumpkin filled candy collection in one sitting. Limit it to only a few pieces over a period of time.
- Brush and rinse: Once you’ve eaten your portioned amount, make a trip to the bathroom to brush and rinse!
- Choose “good” candies: This includes dark chocolate and sugar free candy. Go for it!
You can also avoid temptation altogether by collecting your child’s candy and giving out again or taking it to work the next day. There are also cute toys and small treats that can be offered as alternatives to candy, such as pretzels, boxed raisins and more.
We are here for you during Halloween and every day of the year. Halloween is a good time to remind your children of the importance of oral care and proper hygiene. You only get one set of teeth in a lifetime, so take care of them! Contact us today for an appointment. We can’t wait to see you!
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